Happy Halloween! I cannot believe it is already here. I have my costume picked out, and ready to go. Halloween is my favorite holiday, so I make sure to dress up every year. I will be posting my costume pictures on Instagram today. I always make sure to get all of my Halloween pictures up on the same day, so be on the look out for that. My Instagram is linked here. Follow me, if you don't already. You will not be disappointed when you do! For this blog post, these are costumes I have been in the past that I feel are so easy to do. You can put them together at the very last minute, and still look fashionable. I will link affordable prices as well. You may already have a lot of these pieces in your closet too.

I wore this look last year. Little did I know I would be wearing a mask all the time going forward, haha. This costume idea is so easy to do. I only had to purchase the mask and cape extra for this look. The main items you need are:

This is Kay's look from last year. We went as a Pirate & a Princess. I had a more darker look, while she was in all pink. We made our costumes work from what we have, and I think they turned out great. The main items you need are:
Morticia Addams

I literally just wore this to work today because I knew I would not be working on Halloween, so I still wanted to dress up. I have had this black dress for so long. I wear it every year right before Halloween, and I call it my Addams Family dress. So easy to dress up as Morticia Addams. I was just missing the black hair {wore my hair up yesterday for my Halloween look today}. The main items you need are:
A Doll

I'm going to show you a fun costume example now. This costume is from a few years back, yet it is still one of my favorites until this very day. So quick and easy to dress up as a doll. A cute dress, and a little bonnet is really all you need. Some long stockings are a nice bonus too.
Those are my quick and easy, throw on, last minute costume ideas. I hope you all enjoyed, and maybe it gave you some inspiration to dress up if you were not going to, haha! I always recommend doing so. This is the one day of the year where you can be whoever you want to be. Have fun, be safe, and be sure to check out my Instagram to see what I, Kay & Tasha ended up being this year!