Hi everyone, Happy Monday! I am now less than two weeks away from Graduating with my Bachelor's degree in Apparel, Textiles & Merchandising with a Minor in Marketing from Eastern Michigan University. In honor of my school life coming to end I wanted to show you my most favorite project I have ever done in school. This look was made in my Advanced CAD class. I created a bandeau and a skirt for my final project. I am going to start at the very beginning of the project with an idea that came to me on what I wanted to create, and then I will end with the finished look.
Idea: A denim skirt with belt loops and a belt.
What: Stella McCartney denim skirt with belt loops and belt.
Where: Stella McCartney
How Much: $465


The Pattern I Used, Calvin Klein for Vogue

Orange Peel
I cut out and then scanned all of the pieces from the Calvin Klein Vogue Pattern that I needed for the skirt using the digitizer tool at school, so I could get them online with the CAD software. Once all of the pieces were digitized, I then edited them to make the dimensions perfect. Next, I created my orange peel to show how the pieces will look altogether and how they will line up when I start to cut out the fabric and sew the skirt. You can usually find the orange peel on your pattern envelope.

Orange Peel {Clear & Lined Up}

I then put all of my pieces into a model. I selected denim as the fabric. 14 pieces total.

Next, the pieces go into an order to select the notch, annotation, lay limits, fabric width, etc.

A marker is how the pieces will lay when you print them out onto paper. This many take many tries to finally get the pieces laid how you want.

Cutter's Must
An itemized listing of the pattern piece components of a given style.

Cutting Out The Paper

After cutting out all of the pieces I then taped them altogether to get the skirt, & I got. . .
The Final Paper Product
Laying Out The Fabric Pieces
Now, onto the actual fabric. I got all of the fabric pieces cut out by the cutter, and then laid them out into my orange peel like I did online with the CAD software, so it would be so much easier to sew all of the pieces together.

Adding Detail
Being that the Undergraduate Symposium at my school was canceled due to COVID that I was supposed to be in to showcase this project I decided to take my time, and add some lace detail to the outside of the skirt, and some purple sparkle fabric to the inside of the zipper and the pockets as well. I also sewed in the zipper and the front snap to the skirt too.

Creating The Bandeau
Since I had so much extra time, I decided to make a cute little bandeau to go with the skirt. I used my very own favorite bandeau as my inspiration.

Creating The Outline
I literally just matched my extra fabric up to my actual bandeau to cut out and create a replica.

Adding Lace & Straps

The Skirt

The Details
&. . .
Are You Ready?!
The Final Look!

Conclusion {I Wrote At The Time}
I had so much fun creating this bandeau and skirt. My inspiration was a vintage 1920’s look with denim in it. This project made me realize how much I love to sew, and that I need to do it more often. I was originally going to make a solid denim Calvin Klein inspired look; however, I was on Pinterest one day, and thought the lace would be a cute twist to both items. I went to Walmart to look for some lace because none of the fabric stores are currently open. I also realized how much I rely on Joann Fabric through out this entire project. I really wish I could have presented my design in the Undergraduate Symposium. Overall, I am really happy with how this look turned out. I love it!