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How To Stay Positive & De-Stress Through The Holiday Season

Hi everyone, it feels like it has been awhile since I actually sat down and wrote a blog post. I got crazy busy with Halloween last weekend, and couldn't get a post up for Monday. Did y'all see my Halloween costume?! This has to be my favorite one yet! I will link the post here just in case you missed it. I was a dead bride, Kay was a ghost and Tasha was Frankenstein. A great monster mashup! Let's jump into some holiday content now. We all know that the holidays can be very stressful, so I want to share with you my best tips on how to de-stress and keep calm this holiday season. I personally get anxiety, but it really escalates around this time. Here is how I get rid of it.

Be Realistic

Personally, I always feel like there is so much I have to do. I need to post a lot of content on social media, decorate, go shopping, etc. I overwhelm myself by just thinking about all of the stuff I need to get done to have the "perfect" holiday. My first tip is to just be realistic. Step back, take a deep breath and realize that not everything is going to be perfect. You do not need to get everything done on a list you created. As long as you are surrounded by your loves one you will have the help you need to check those things off you list to have a nice holiday.

Say No

Don't be afraid to tell people no. No, you won't attend their holiday party. No, you can't run out and get more eggnog. Around this time of year we get this feeling were we just want to please everyone, and sometimes that is just not possible. It is completely alright to say the word, "no". Do not feel like you have to do everything.


Buy a humidifier, and get a variety of scents to go with it. Take 5 minutes to just be alone and breath. Humidifier's not only relieve stress, but help you breathe better too. If you want a fun humidifier, get one that changes colors, so you can have you own little rainbow. It is so important to get time to yourself during this season. Even if it is not mediating. You could, go for a walk, listen to music, color, etc.

Stay Organized

Once you break the first ornament it all goes down hill from there, lol. Be sure to know where where all of your Thanksgiving décor is vs. your Christmas décor. Keep the holiday décor sorted in separate bins, labeled and kept in a spot you know you won't forget. Plan out your week. One day you can decorate the living room, the next day is for the present shopping, the following day is a complete baking day, etc. Write in a planner and keep everything in tact.

Don't Lose Yourself

In the midst of holiday madness we tend to lose ourselves. Do not break your gym routine, lose track of your diet, etc. Always keep your personal goals on track no matter how crazy the holiday season gets because how you feel is always the most important thing no matter what. Take time at the end of day to reflect on how you feel, did you accomplish your personal goals and did you take time to just breath?!

Remember, nothing is ever worth it, unless you enjoy it. Life is too short to be sad and stressed. You only get one life, so live it to the fullest. Have a great weekend.




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