Hi y'all, I will be sharing my favorite things to do during the fall time. Hopefully this will give you all some fun fall ideas as well. Halloween is my favorite holiday. Fall is my second favorite season. I love to dress up in a costume every year. I love to dress T up too. I do not have our costumes picked out yet though. I need to get on that asap before everything is sold out, haha.
Go To A Cider Mill
Pick Pumpkins & Carve Them

Try The Seasonal Starbucks Drinks

Pick Some Apples At The Orchard

Have A Fall Photoshoot
Get Lost In A Corn Maze

Explore A Pumpkin Patch

Go To A Football Game

Dress Up For Halloween

Dress Your Pets Up Too

Other Ideas:
~Explore a haunted house
~Binge watch scary movies
~Watch a movie at the movie theatre
~Take a hayride
~Trick or Treat
~Go on a nature hike
~Wine tasting
~Take a scenic drive
~Visit a farmer's market
Those are my favorite fall activities that I do every year. There is so many traditions that I have when it comes to this season that must be done every year. I also added some other fall ideas as well. I am so excited for Monday's blog post because that will be my fall lookbook. Showing my current favorite fall looks that I am loving this season, get excited!